As winter comes to a close, people all over the world feel the urge to refresh and begin anew. There’s something about spring that makes you excited to get out and start fresh. Spring cleaning is basically self-care for your house, but what about you and the people inside that house? What can you do to take that springtime energy and use it to take care of yourself as well as your home?
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Personal Care
Spring is a great time to do a little spring cleaning of your personal care regimen. Trade out that heavy-duty moisturizer from the winter for something a little fresher and lighter, maybe with a little bit more UV protection. You might already be working on your beach body for summer or checking out a laser hair removal spa Manhattan or your area. Maybe you want to think about a fresh, springtime haircut before the warmer weather really hits. The’s tons of spring cleaning you can do on yourself.
That may include cleaning up your habits. Did you make any resolutions at New Year? Spring is a great time to reflect on your progress so far. Maybe you started out strong going to the gym every day, but now it’s been two weeks or a month since you made use of that membership. Start going again. If you didn’t make any resolutions, it’s never too late to start. It’s a great time to start walking or jogging.
Getting outside after a long winter locked up indoors is the kind of small indulgence that only spring can offer. Spring is a chance to indulge yourself in other areas too. Bring in fresh-cut flowers or get out in the garden. Plenty of towns and cities have spring festivals where you can get out in your community and enjoy yourself, just make sure you’re doing so safely.
Spring isn’t just for spring cleaning, it’s also for self-care. You can clean up and refresh your look, start a new resolution and let yourself have a few springtime indulgences as a reward for making it through a long, cold winter. Spring is a time of change when flowers are coming up and the trees are starting to turn green again. It’s an opportunity to make changes for yourself and your community. Take this time of growth to let yourself grow and blossom. It’s going to be a long, hot summer.