Anger and dismay among the workers of Am Tecnology, penalized themselves to say once again by the questionable behavior of the company responsible for the garbage disposal in Castellammare. In this case, the subject of the discussion concerns the pay slips of employees, never recognized for six months. An uneasiness that would drag on from February, that is, when the workers are not paid the so-called ‘fifth’ for finance. As a result, the workers themselves are now ‘bad payers’ for the banks, which in turn would have directly rebuilt their clients’ current accounts.
In strictly legal terms, in fact, despite the fact that the fifth part of the salary must be subtracted directly from the pay slip without ever passing through the accounts, the legal responsibility is in any case attributable to the employees. “We want to see clearly, the last salaries were paid on 12 August, but the 730 quota was never perceived – a delegation of workers thundered to Stabia Channel -.
A situation of embezzlement takes shape, it is not clear why Am is behaving in this way. And then in the end the bad payers are us … ».
The stalemate has lasted since February, but today it is not possible to be certain of the return of the fifth in the payroll. “Two or three installments have been withheld directly from the current account – they press -. We should legally retaliate on Am Tecnology, but we are tired, we ask for an urgent meeting with the company to clarify all the issues, like that of the pension fund. Even the unions are ready to take strong positions. An explanation? Perhaps the money of the Municipality of Castellammare is used to buffer debts in other yards, the Entity pays all the months in advance, why should we have problems? “