If you are looking for some additional income, becoming a notary can be a quite lucrative career path. If you are seriously considering pursuing a job as a notary as a side job or even as a full-time career, follow these easy steps.
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Be Sure That You Qualify
The most important thing to do before you get too far into the process is to be sure that you qualify. Different states have different regulations, but as a rule, you will need to be at least 18 years old and reside in the state in which you want to practice. You will also need a valid driver’s license and will have to submit to a background check.
Pay Your Application Fee
If you are still interested in how to become a notary in Florida once you are sure that you qualify, you will need to pay an application fee. Fees vary, but you should expect to pay around $10 to $60. You can typically find the application at your secretary of state’s office or online.
Complete any Necessary Coursework
To become a notary, you will likely need to complete some coursework, and in some states, pass a test. Classwork can often be done online, and will usually takes 3 to 6 hours to complete. You will also need to pay a fee for your class, but it is usually only about $100 to $200.
Purchase Your Tools
Once you have paid your application fees and completed classes, it is time to procure the tools you will need. You will need a journal for record keeping and, of course, a notary seal.
Becoming a notary takes some work, but it can really pay off. Demand is at an all-time high, and once you have completed the necessary steps, you’ll be making money in no time.