Blogger, which is owned by Google, is a popular platform across the world where people can share their information, publish it and share with others. Blogger can be used for both personal and professional purposes. Here, if you use Blogger and want to add a gadget to your blog on Blogger, there are some simple steps to follow.
Here is the step by step guide to add a gadget to your blog on Blogger.
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How to add a gadget to your blog on Blogger
On Blogger, you can use gadgets to do things like display your blog’s archive, show blog labels in a list on every page or put your profile on every page.
These are some steps which can help you to add a gadget to your blog on Blogger.
Steps to add a gadget to your blog on Blogger
Follow these steps to add a gadget to your blog on Blogger.
Step 1: First of all, you need to sign in to Blogger.
Step 2: Then, you have to choose the blog to update.
Step 3: Here, you need to click Layout present in the left menu.
Step 4: In the area where you want to add something, you have to click Add a Gadget.
Step 5: In the window that opens, you need to choose the gadget to add and then, click Add.
Step 6: Now, you need to click Save present in the lower left.
Step 7: To change the settings on a gadget, you have to click Edit. This is an optional step.
Following these steps can help you to add a gadget to your blog on Blogger.
While using Blogger, please remember, Google claims no ownership or control over any content submitted, posted or displayed by an author on or through Google services. Blog authors who add code or third-party widgets do so at their own risk.