Understanding Depressed Nasal Bridge: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

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The nasal bridge, located at the top of the nose between the eyes, is an important facial feature. A depressed nasal bridge occurs when the bridge of the nose appears sunken or flattened. This condition can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, injury, or medical conditions. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for a depressed nasal bridge.

Causes of a Depressed Nasal Bridge

  1. Genetics: Some people are born with a depressed nasal bridge due to their genetic makeup. This is often seen in certain ethnic groups, such as Asians and African Americans.
  2. Injury: Trauma to the nose, such as a broken nose or blunt force trauma, can cause the nasal bridge to become depressed.
  3. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions can cause a depressed nasal bridge, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome, or nasal polyps.

Symptoms of a Depressed Nasal Bridge

The most obvious symptom of a depressed nasal bridge is the appearance of a flattened or sunken bridge of the nose. In some cases, the nasal tip may also appear droopy. Other symptoms may include difficulty breathing through the nose, snoring, or sleep apnea.

Treatment Options for a Depressed Nasal Bridge

  1. Non-surgical options: Non-surgical treatment options for a depressed nasal bridge include the use of dermal fillers to add volume to the bridge of the nose. This is a minimally invasive procedure that can provide immediate results with little downtime.
  2. Surgical options: Surgical treatment options for a depressed nasal bridge include rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job. This procedure can be used to reshape the nose and correct a depressed nasal bridge. In some cases, a septoplasty may also be necessary to correct any issues with the nasal septum.
  3. Functional treatment options: If a depressed nasal bridge is causing breathing problems, functional treatment options may be necessary. This can include nasal sprays or nasal strips to help open up the nasal passages, or surgery to correct any structural abnormalities.


A depressed nasal bridge can be caused by a variety of factors and can have a significant impact on a person’s appearance and breathing. If you are experiencing symptoms of a depressed nasal bridge, it is important to seek the advice of a qualified medical professional. They can help determine the underlying cause of your condition and recommend the best treatment options for your individual needs. With the right treatment, a depressed nasal bridge can be corrected, allowing you to breathe easier and feel more confident in your appearance.